Computer Arts Class STUDENT TO DO LIST

Hello everyone,

Here is a list of what you need to have for the Storyboard Project.

  1. Blog post updates of your progress each class. You can take a screen shot to make this easier ;)
  2. Your storyboard must contain 6 frames in a storyboard format (like the one I provided). Here is the criteria again for those that need a reminder.
  3. Once you have finished your Storyboard (with colour, etc.) Make sure you export a large quality JPEG and post it to your blog.
  4. Now it is time to start animating: Use either Animate or Photoshop to animate elements of your Storyboard. You do NOT need to animate your entire scene. Only animate one section of each scene. Refer to the animate in Photoshop Tutorial posted here if you missed the Photoshop tutorial in class. 
NOTE: Do not forget to save your Storyboard before animating it !
