October 24th: Shape of the Day

Shape of the Day

Part 1: 
We all have 25 mins to work on our storyboards :) 
Part 2: 
When the chime goes, we will get into groups and do a mid -project critique with each other. This is meant to help us along in our work, as well as help us get used to giving and receiving feedback. Artists need feedback to grow! :)

Ms. B will give us a handout with prompt questions to guide us in giving feedback.

Example: Use descriptors, not phrases like, "it's cool," "I like it," etc.

Part 3: 
When we are done our critique, we will upload our work in progress to our blogs!

We will also hand in our critiques to Ms. B before we leave class :)

Next Class: Work Period! 

Ideally you almost done by the end of next class...
